This website (hereinafter also referred to as “the Site”) is owned by Sagacious Wonderer e.K. (hereinafter also referred to as “S.W.e.K.”), who is responsible for its publication, management, and updates.
The Site, including all contents, is freely accessible to any individual or entity (hereinafter also referred to as “Visitor” or “Visitors”) who browses its web pages, subscribes to the newsletter, or receives emails from the Site. However, usage is contingent upon full and unconditional agreement with Terms and Conditions of use.
These premises are an integral part of the following statement on Photo Credits.
Photo and Image Credits
All photos, images, and videos on this Site have been selected with full respect for their copyrights.
Most of the photographs on this Site are released under Creative Commons licenses, and in accordance with the conditions of these licenses, they are redistributed.
In most cases, the photographs have been obtained from collections of images for free use and without the need for attribution from sites like and (these sites are mentioned as examples and are not exhaustive).
S.W.e.K. disclaims any responsibility in the event that the authors of the photographs modify the terms of use of the image after its publication on the Site.
Even when attribution is not requested, where possible and if the format allows, the author’s name and the link to the original photo or the author’s page are always tried to be included.
This Site may feature images created using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. These images are generated in compliance with current copyright regulations and are used in accordance with applicable laws.
Nevertheless, S.W.e.K. does not claim exclusive ownership of such AI images, unless otherwise indicated. Where required, appropriate attribution for AI images will be given.
S.W.e.K. disclaims any responsibility for the use and distribution of AI images created by third parties.
If a rights holder identifies unauthorized or undesired use of an image on the Site, they can report it to for immediate removal.
Video Credits
Videos embedded in this Site can be third-party videos present on platforms like YouTube, so it is assumed that these third parties have regularly observed the copyright of the video itself. In any case, S.W.e.K. excludes any responsibility in this regard, and refers such responsibility to the third parties who have published the video.
In some cases, instead of embedding the video in the body of the article, a simple preview image of the video player and the video cover, or a significant frame of the video, is used, connected to a link to the original video on the platform on which it is distributed by the publisher (for example, YouTube). This choice is made to improve the user experience on the site: this way, the page load time is reduced, facilitating viewing on mobile devices. This also reduces the number of third-party cookies, helping to preserve the privacy of the Site’s Visitors: this practice aims to limit the amount of information tracked by third parties, ensuring a safer online environment and respecting the privacy of the Site’s Visitors.
S.W.e.K. disclaims any responsibility related to links directing to videos or images on external sites, referring the respective responsibility to those who have published these images or videos on these external sites.
In the event that the holder of the rights to the video identifies improper or unwanted use, he or she is invited to report it directly via email to S.W.e.K. at and the video in question will be immediately removed.
Also refer to the following documents:
Cover Photocredit: Henrique Ferreira, license Unsplash